Amdocs uses its North America analyst conference to layout its path to ongoing success

By Mitch Klaassen and Daryl Schoolar

During the week of September 22nd, Amdocs hosted a two-day North America Analyst Event at its Plano Texas location, just north of Dallas. Approximately 20 analysts attended from the leading North American research firms, including two from Recon Analytics. Amdocs shared its market vision, corporate strategy, and solutions and services aimed at enhancing efficiencies and boosting revenue growth for communication service providers (CSPs).

During the two-day event, Recon Analytics saw three themes emerge that are key to Amdocs’ ongoing success: Amdocs’ focus on helping CSPs enable network monetization; commitment to GenAI to power its future success; and the desire to move beyond the telecommunications vertical. All three of these themes complement or are in line with Amdocs’ number one strategic goal of maintaining its revenue growth by providing its customers with the tools needed to ensure their own ongoing success.

Enabling network monetization

Amdocs made it clear during the analyst event that its go-to-market approach is based on providing solutions that solve its customers’ problems rather than on out-of-the-box products. Currently, when it comes to its mobile operator partners, one of the biggest challenges those partners face is generating ROI from their 5G network investments. Only 6% of the 100 mobile operators that Recon Analytics surveyed at the end of 2023 said that revenue growth was the biggest benefit they experienced from deploying 5G. Rather, the most common response to the question was increased network capacity. Amdocs is very much aware of this challenge and is committed to solving it in two distinct ways – thought leadership and its portfolio of solutions……

GenAI powering Amdocs’ solutions

Amdocs used the second day of its event to talk about what it is doing with GenAI and how the technology is working its way across its solutions portfolio. Anthony Goonetilleke, Group President – Technology and Head of Strategy, got the discussion going by sharing his vision of how GenAI can improve the lives of its CSP partners by creating greater efficiencies that will help both lower the costs of doing business and make network monetization easier……

Figure 1: Percent of respondents, by size segment, who said AI bot would negatively impact their perception of a customer service experience

Source: Recon Analytics; Study date: 08/28/2024-09/18/2024; n=1,424; MoE = 2.6%

Creating pathways into new verticals

Amdocs has historically been telco-focused, working with some of the largest CSPs globally. While telco remains the company’s core focus, it is looking for growth opportunities within other industry verticals. Company acquisitions, such as Astradia for mainframe to cloud conversion, play a role in supporting this strategy.    Astradia gives Amdocs a way to get its “foot in the door”, so to speak, with other industries that are still utilizing legacy mainframe computers. This growth strategy makes sense, but it does come with its own challenges……

The full research-note on Amdocs’ analyst conference is reserved for clients. If you are interested in learning how to access the complete research-note, please contact Daryl Schoolar at